Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DRAW YOUR FUTURE, talk by Patti Dobrowolski

A nationally acclaimed comic performer, high-performance business consultant, speaker, strategic illustrator and newly minted author, Patti Dobrowolski spends her time focused on new neuroscience discoveries that leverage the power of imagination and visuals to actualize a vision of the future. Dobrowolski works with teams and leaders of Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits around the world to inspire them to create new and different strategies while literally capturing the organization's vision in a 4' x 8' illustration. 

Maya Angelou: "a solitary fantasy can transform a million realities."
What dream or vision do you want to turn into reality?

I just know there´s more. You know it because you feel it. You lie awake at night. you talk about your dreams,... but more often than not, you continue with the same behaviour... You ask yourself: "How can I maek it happen?"

Research shows: just 1/10 success to change, even if facing a life threatening illness.

But you can lead the life you desire.Three steps
  1. See it ---> Draw it as compelling as possible
  2. Believe it
  3. Act on it: graciously ask and train your brain to actually execute your vision. 
Examples of pictures´power
Example of company vision (graphic facilitation): Roche pharmaq
Draw your current state and your desired new reality. Joe´s example.
Just three steps can transform one reality: yours.
Enjoy life!

Eleder BuM31    Mind Mapping-Open Space Technology-Creativity

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