Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Law of two feet and Wosonos: sage words by Harrison Owen

Wosonos 2012 in Florida, last May.
Some 75 people took part.
At the end, we have proposals: where would we gather next year?
At last, we knew it will take place in Belgrade (Serbia).
The decission process seems to have been long and rough.
You can read something on it here.
When reading it, I dropped on Harrison Owen´s short, clear, deep, sage words (I changed formats to underline what I find most important):
Discomfort usually comes (in my experience) when discussion gets stuck at either/or. Everything resolves as soon as both/and shows up. It is called the Law of Two Feet! Who says there can only be one WOSONOS? Anywhere it happens is the right place – and as often as folks care to make it so. I do find it somewhat amusing that the 75 odd souls who showed up in St. Petersburg feel called upon to “decide” for the “whole” community. Funny.

But the string continues, in a surprising, funny way,... read this piece of conversation between ho and Artur Silva,...
Harrison wrote...
Lisa – Hate to say it, but you know I will. I think you are working much too hard! And I’m not really sure it is a question of “design” (“So I love thinking of the 'devil’s advocate' questions when thinking of design.”)—Just do it, just like we always do. For example, when it comes to invitation time just open the space for Invitations. Kind of an offshoot of “action planning.” Whoever cares stands up with a sign (Spain, Serbia, wherever), Goes to a corner of the room, and waits until all other invitations have been made. When all the invitations are “posted” everybody else is invited to journey to that part of the world they feel drawn to. Time to discuss practicalities of location and date – and not incidentally put together an initial Host Team. People can wander from place to place, and after a short time (45min?) somebody with a mike passes from group to group for a “report.” Report could be: Your invited to Serbia, Spring of 2014. Or maybe there are several. Wonderful! Or maybe a group concluded it is a wonderful idea, but not now. Done. No Sweat, no Strain.
Alternative: Place a hat in the middle of the floor (my hat would do) – Anybody who cares deposits a folded piece of paper with the place specified and their name. Just before the Closing Circle, the names are drawn – We have the winners: EVERYBODY!


Artur Silva (Portugal) wrote...
Hi Harrison:
In a previous mail you said:

I do find it somewhat amusing that the 75 odd souls who showed up in St. Petersburg feel called upon to “decide” for the “whole” community.

This suggests me two questions:

First: is not that what is always done in the end of a WOSonOS? Why putting the question this time?

Second: Is not there a contradiction between your [quote in your previous email] and the detailed description of "how to do" that you provided in this post (above)?

Warm regards

PS: I suspect that you missed my heteredox contributions, so here it is a new one ;-)


Harrison Owen wrote...
Artur – Consistency is a virtue I have never been accused of…J
Live, laugh, love :-)!

www.burumapak.blogspot.com (Basque) 
www.in-fluyendo.blogspot.com (Sp.)
www.flowandshow.blogspot.com (En)
http://www.bilbohiria.com/gaika/berbaz (radio interviews)  


  1. This is brilliant! And, my sign is "Tainan, South Taiwan." You're ALL invited to the 25th WOSonOS, Oct. 25, 26-28, 2017.

    1. Tainan is a relaxed diverse, art-filled city outstanding at simple, relaxed hospitality -- very both/and -- perfect fit with OST. Want to know more? janeelewis@gmail.com.

  2. HA! I've been thinking about the whole dynamics of inviting and hosting (or at least facilitating) ANY OST as "simple & fun." I'm inviting WOSonOS71 and there's been a heavy, complicated process that has just arrived at simple and light ... yesterday. Today I read all this here. I'm so resonant and feeling joyful. Not only that, but the link above (on WOSonOS) puts together a whole lot of OSList conversations on inviting for WOSonOS. It's so much simpler, and more fun to read the list that someone else assembled (thank you very much!) than it was trying to assemble and sort through it all myself. Michael Herman's words have guided me: Show everyone how simple hosting WOSonOS really can be. The more I poke around, the more I find the sources that feed all that, which is already and always here to be tapped into! I start my day in gratitude! (again)

  3. another gem (in the sound file link) http://tinyurl.com/y9c42gkw

    There's doing good, and there's do-gooding, and they're not the same thing.

    Ha! I may have found my new favorite blog here.
